While I like to have fun with health, I take health topics very seriously. By seriously, I mean that I use research-based medical science to answer questions and as the foundation of the blogs I write. And, when someone asks me a question, I believe that a timely and factual response is what is required – nothing laughable about that, for sure.
Lately, I have been getting emails with links to all kinds of serious articles from sites where lots of women and teen girls get info. The article topics range from cardiac to incontinence, from menopause to sexual dysfunction and cancers of all kinds. For teens, there are articles on periods, puberty and weight. While immensely helpful, there is no humor there for me, for sure!
Based on current events, right now, I feel a need to lighten it up a bit, for myself as well as for others. There is only good to come from a good belly laugh. To do that, I’ve decided to play the health version of fun with phonics. Well, sort of, since I’ve never found phonics that humorous. Enough with that, here we go, my version of FUN WITH HEALTH!
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” ~Proverbs 17:22
1) Dancing: Dancing with the Stars. Yep, every season we see larger women loose weight while moving, shaking, sliding and kicking to some of the best music with some majorly buff dancing professionals. It is hard work, but the result is a slimmer body and doing something that most have never done. Not only do they tone, but also they usually express the satisfaction of having accomplished something difficult and challenging. There are many ways to enjoy dancing and music movement even if you are not on Dancing with the Stars. The latest craze of Zumba seems to be everywhere. Just Google it and you can find classes in just about any city. Zumba offers music and movement, then toning and weight loss. Can’t beat that!
2) Finding Humor in a Frustrating Situation: Best quote I have heard lately was when Paula Deen was entertaining Oprah and Gayle (note my use of first names, as I feel like I know them both) at her lake home. They each hitched themselves into a bungee jumping machine and had a blast. Paula mentioned that she wet herself from the jumping. Then she said something like this to Oprah: My definition of multitasking is farting and then peeing at the same time. (I think that is close to what she said.) I laughed because, I can identify with that. In fact, Oprah, Paula and I laughed so hard that I think Paula wasn’t going to be the only wet one!
3) Fun with Fitness and Friends: Getting active with friends is always a joy, especially when it involves moving and talking and then celebrating the event. For example, there is golf, tennis, soccer, softball, swimming and skiing, which bring everyone outside and together. Love that. My personal favorites are: swimming and walking on the beach with family or friends.
4) The “Joy of Cooking”: Why is this fun? Because, I love to try new recipes and enjoy the preparation process. Also, I am a believer that eating well is a very important aspect of our lives. By well I mean eating nutritionally sound foods, like fruits and vegetables, low fat protein choices like poultry or lean meats, and grains that include barley, buckwheat and couscous. Then, find a great recipe (check out HomeRearedChef’s blog for some unique suggestions) and create using well-selected seasonings. Lastly, turn the ingredients into succulent meals that can be shared with friends and family or enjoyed just by your self.
5) Growing Your Own: This part is dedicated to SunBonnetSmart and to my husband. Both like to have gardens that bring healthy, homegrown bounty into the house. This not only takes knowledge, but energy and movement. You have to till the land, water and cultivate. Outside gardens require weeding and ongoing maintenance. Also, there is joy to be had from the beautiful flowers and bushes that enhance any yard space. There must be fitness when sweating, bending and lifting (all using good body mechanics) happen.
What is fun for you with fitness?? Any laughs or joy lately when it comes to health??
Dear Elaine, thank you for the mention in your post, and please know that I am ever so proud to be your friend! Following your blog, reading all that you have to say, will be an honor and a privilege. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: How I wish you’d been around to answer my questions when I needed instruction as a young girl. I guess it is never too late to learn, and then I can pass all the good stuff I learn from you now to my daughters who will pass it along to their daughters.